Aligning Governance and Analytics to Ensure Trust and Transparency
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  Kelle O'Neal   Kelle O'Neal
Founder and CEO
First San Francisco Partners


Tuesday, September 20, 2016
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM

Level:  Introductory

The DGPO defines Data Governance as “A discipline that provides clear-cut policies; procedures; standards; roles; responsibilities; and accountabilities to ensure that data is well-managed as an enterprise resource." Many times the influence of Data Governance stops at data creation and management, rather than extending to the data consumption organizations like Reporting and Analytics.

Are your Analytics groups involved in Data Governance? In this session, we will discuss the importance of aligning your Data Governance and your Analytics organizations and illustrate how these intersecting communities add value to each other, context to the conversation and end-to-end accountability for data.

We will explore and answer the questions:

  • What are the organizational constructs that need to be considered to integrate Data Governance and Analytics?
  • What organizational change can be anticipated and how should it be addressed?
  • How do you design your data governance programs to support Analytics? How is this different than an operational use case?

Kelle is the Founder and CEO of First San Francisco Partners, an information management consulting firm. She is a veteran industry leader and accomplished advisor, as well as a noted speaker, author and trainer. Kelle is passionate about helping organizations realize the business value of data — and empowering them to derive insights that can improve operational efficiency and decision-making, generate new revenue and mitigate risk and fraud. Kelle developed her ability to work through organizational complexity, build consensus and drive results in senior roles at companies that include U.S.-based firms GoldenGate Software, Siebel Systems and Oracle. She also worked at the executive level in Europe and Asia. Kelle received her MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and has a BA degree from Duke University.

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